Monday, October 10, 2011

Luxury Car Sales Soar

Despite the slightly slumping economy, luxury car sales are up a significant amount in September, and for the year to date as well. This bodes well for the auto industry, who may not be quite so effected by the down economy as in 2008 when car sales plummeted. Audi is up %19 vs. last September, and up %15 vs. last year to date. BMW is up as well, %19 increase vs. last September and a %12 increase over the last year to date. Mercedes-Benz has grown as well, posting a %13 increase over last September and a %10 over the last year to date. Porsche's numbers vs. last September aren't quite as spectacular as Audi and BMW at %10, but they are up %28 vs. last year so far. This may have to do with the introduction of the new Cayenne late last year, which has been a sales boon for the company.

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