Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Different Sizes of the Same Sausage?

People have frequently used the phrase "different sizes of the same sausage" or such, to describe Audi's lineup of sedans. While it is true that all Audi's share similar design elements, each car looks distinctly different from the others. The A4 looks more plebeian and simple than the A6 and A8. The A6 is by far the most aggressive looking one with its inward angled headlights and the trademark Audi grille trimmed on the upper corners. The A8 looks large, upright, and solid, making it the most upscale design. All of the designs are some of the understated beauties of the automotive world. And really, just about every automaker nowadays uses similar design cues throughout their lineup as well, so Audi isn't the only one. BMW uses the similar grilles, profiles, headlights, taillights, and other elements to the same extent as Audi, yet Audi seems to get more criticism for it. There doesn't really seem much to criticize. They are all stunning designs and each model has its unique take on a general idea.

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