Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Hyundai Created the Veloster

This is the new Hyundai Veloster. This has the exact same engine as the Hyundai Accent. This weighs 200 pounds more than the Accent. This has the same suspension as the Accent. This car is tuned for maximum fuel economy...just like the Accent. This has less cargo space than the Accent. This has less people space than the Accent. This costs $5000 more than the Accent. So why would Hyundai even make it if they knew it didn't stack up and sell. Really, it comes down to brand image. Hyundai is still in the process of convincing everybody that it makes really good cars (which it generally does). They have mainly used attractive styling to achieve this goal, along with improved quality and reliability. This car was made to show the world that Hyundai can make cars that are desirable and are competitive with offerings from Honda and Toyota. So while on paper it may not stack up, Hyundai isn't really going for a sales hog here. They are trying to improve their brand image. It worked.

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